God is so good!
Its amazing and termendous change, after tracking countless number of seizures that Nathanael had experienced since February 2005, and on his 16th day of the Ketogenic Diet, we stopped seeing any physical seizures in Nathanael.
Its really All Glory To God for that amazing change in Nathanael's life.
If we were to count all the seizures that has been recorded, we see a total of 22,629 seizures in a period of 21 months of 1,078 seizures in a month or an average of 36 seizures a day!!!
Poor Nathanael, having gone through so much in the first two years of his life on earth. Rejoice with us as we expect new changes and exciting things to start happening in Nathanael's life.
We are now working on his muscle tone and his gross and fine motor development via therapy sessions and exercises. Continue to pray for Nathanel, that he will pick up and learn quickly.

What a Blessing! We have recently gone to re-do his EEG (ElectroEncephaloGram) on 6 October, and we hope to see the intepretation of the EEG report soon, and we will share with you on the results.
[tags : darentiff nathanael ketones epilepsy seizures diet ketogenic diet]
Dear Daren & Tiff,
We rejoice to hear of Nathanael’s progress. It’s really a joy to watch him on the videos. We can really see him progress.
Thanks for your constant updates thro’ the e-mails. It is indeed a very efficient way of updating everyone esp when you also direct us to your website as well.
We will continue to pray for all of you as a family. Do take care & God bless.
Wye Fun & Michael
PTL Daren. Good to hear. He is indeed our Jehovah Rapha!
Praise God!
So good to know of positive developments in Natanael's life. Keep up the faith and we'll see God doing greater things!
Hope all else is well and regards to Tiff too!
God bless,
Hey bro, i'm so happy for you guys! Looks like all our prayers are being answered!! From the photo attached, did he lose weight?
Thanks for the encouraging testimony ...
Yes .. will continue to pray for God's healing power to work in the life of beloved Nathanael....
Hi Darren and Tiff,
Sorry we haven't emailed for a long time, but we are really really glad to know of the improvements in nathanael! i was really happy to see the pictures and watch the video. even tho we don't get to see you guys often, you're all always in our thoughts and prayers.
Keep trusting in our great God yah? You guys have been great witnesses and an inspiration for us all.
Take care! Give nathanael a big hug from us.
rem & joy
WOW!! We are rejoicing with you and Tiff!! God is certainly amazing and so good! Praise God for the changes! May your lives and Nathanael's continue to bring honor and glory to God! We will continue to pray.
Love, Evie
Praise God! Thank you for the up dates. I go to your website weekly to check on Nathanael. He is in my prayers always.
Lisa Whitman
(co-worker of Kevin Lee)
PTL indeed! Am overwhelmed with joy... just can't stop thanking Him..... with Him all things are possible... yes, when I was praying for Nathanael, I could see him running about... yes, Nathanael running! Such a good picture of him sitting on his own.... more good things to come.... for He is our loving Father and we are His children.
Thanks Daren, for the update.... keep the good news coming.... Amen!
God is good!.... yes.... sooooooo good! Amen! God can see both you & Tiff's hearts, Daren... He sees your cries... He's our prayer-answering God... Amen!
God bless
hey it's basil here. just wanna congratulate u n d missus. n little nat boy
for his gradual and long awaited recovery. :D
Hi D&T
We are so glad to hear the progress of Nathanael!
Praise be to GOD!
And be encouraged that you both have been Good parents.. that even in hard times your Faith has been consistent and not shaken.
We Rejoice with u both!
Much love and prayers
From the Leows
Wah .. the record is breaking news!
It's also God's blessings for both of your patience and efforts towards Nathanael's well being. We will continue with our prayers!
That is very, very good..... congratulations! Keep up the effort and all the best to Tiffany and Nathanael.
Best regards
p.s. Nathanael looks so grown up now :-)
Glad to hear the positive outcome. I'm sure with you love & support, he will progress better.
We are so glad to hear of Nathanael's progress. Truly God is good.
Will keeping praying along with you and Tiffany.
Ps Kuan Ming
Praise the LORD! All things are possible in His Name!
Continue to press on.
Thanks for your updates on Nathanael.
May the Lord bless your family.
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