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Friday, January 11, 2008

Occupation Therapy - Sensory Integration : How well can Nathanael balance?

We rekindled therapy sessions with Ms Teo again. When Nathanael was initially diagnosed with infantile spasm, we had a regular therapy session with Ms Teo.

Ms Teo is a Christian and practices physio and occupation therapy at home. Ms Teo also does a lot of sensory integration as well.

She was evaluating Nathanael's current progress and state that we need to continue to work a lot more on him, so that his motor development would continue to progress more and thus helping him overall.

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One of the other things that we need to work a lot on Nathanael is his balance.

Ms Teo mentioned that his posture needs to further improve and that we need

to help him to start learning to balance and move in many many directions!

One new tool that Ms Teo is suggesting for us to set up is like a Swing Contraption.

(We need help .. any smart person out there who knows how we can build one for Nathanael?)

WE have get a board large enough for Nathanael to sit on and then tie the board

to a hook/lever and mount it on the ceiling. The purpose is so that Nathanael

will learn to balance when he is swung on it, and the best part is that apart from just going

one direction, we can turn it clockwise or anticlockwise and provide various turning

stimulations to help him in his vestibular and appropinception.

** So if any of you are as fantastic as Handy Manny ... give us a holler, we need your skills!! **

More info on Sensory Integration - here or here

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