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Nathanael Lee

Zoe Joy Lee
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Nathanael is HOT!! (as in Fever!)

Please pray along for Nathanael.

Last nite all of a sudden, his body felt warm, when we used the thermometer to scan his temperature, it showed 37.5 degrees Celcius.

He didn't even finish his fav Milk last nite, he only drank 1/2 a bottle..... yes big indication that Nathanael is not feeling well. He was pretty weak too, cos he wasn't holding his bottle as usual.

By midnight he was having temperatures above 38 degrees Celcius.

We sms Dr Yi-Ki for help with the correct dosage of Paracetamol to give Nathanael based on his current weight. So we had to skip the water rationing (his Ketogenic Diet has a water rationining per day), and just fed him lots and lots of liquid.

We placed a wet towel on his neck area to help condensate the warm fever with the cooling towel. We also used an ice pack (but packed in towels) to help Nathanel cool down.

Thank God, this morning his fever came down slightly to 37 degrees Celcius.

Later this morning, Tiff brought Nathanael to see Dr Vasantha at Damansara Specialist Hospital. Dr Vasantha diagnosed that Nathanael's throat is inflame, no sypmtoms of Dengue, and that Nathanael most probably caught this viral infection from someone else who had throat infection.
** That would explain why its difficult for Nathanael to swallow and thus not finishing his milk last nite.

Nathanael is now on anti-biotics (Zinnat), and he still has a temperature. Please pray along so that his temperature will subside.

Here's a cute pic of Nathanael & Renee during our recent Cell Conference in church.
Sure will bring a SMILE on your face!!

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1 comment:

The Storyteller said...

Our prayer:-
Dear Jesus,
We want to commit dear Nathanael to you. Please extend your healing hands to him and touch him, cover him with your precious blood. Give him lots of love, peace and joy! Thank you for always being there for him and for your protection upon his life. AMEN!!

Love, Sofea

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